Our Cafe
Our Cat Cafe is open to adults and teenagers
over the age of 16
The cat café consists of three lounge areas and gardens, on the site of the home of the cats. The cats treat it as an extension of their home and are relaxed and happy here. They are also experienced cafe cats, as they were the ones who hosted the Totnes Cat Café. All our cats, are rescues that came into our care at the cattery and have been carefully chosen to ensure that they are suited to a cat café environment. Not all cats would be happy in such a setting, but our feline team enjoy the experience.
The human servants love to chat about cats (theirs, yours, others, in fact any cats and cat related matters!) And will be happy to answer any questions you have about the café and the cats. They will also serve you refreshments (the café cats are adamant that serving drinks is a human servants' job, not a cat's!).
Our café has a 5 star Food Hygiene Rating from the Food Standards Agency.
Unfortunately we are unable to admit children under the age of 16 years old to the café. BOOKING ESSENTIAL
Our cat café is not for profit, and all proceeds go towards our cat and kitten rescue facilities.